Congratulations! You can download my free report “The A,B,C’s to Increasing Optimism” below.
These joy-based activities will enhance your life and the lives of those around you. Some of these ideas may be new to you or they may be a reminder of what you already know. Either way, notice which tips resonate with you and choose those to integrate into your days. They will support you in increasing your optimism and amplifying success, easy as A,B,C.
You can choose to focus on one per day or one per week. It’s up to you to determine what the best application of this information is.
Whatever your approach, I applaud you on your journey toward creating more success and fulfillment in your days.
You can access your download HERE or you can read it below.
Wendy Watkins
The A, B, C’s to Increasing Optimism
Martin Seligman, known as the granddaddy of Positive Psychology, speaks to the fact that optimistic people are much more likely to achieve and sustain success. Some people are born with innate happiness and optimism. Others have the opportunity to learn optimism by incorporating new ways of thinking, as well as practicing activities that will raise their Joy Factor. Below are some simple, yet not always easy, ways to increase optimism and raise your Joy Factor for improved success and fulfillment in your life. Experience one, two or ten of these activities and share your experiences at
A. Practice appreciation. Be your authentic self.
B. Surround yourself with beauty. Take a break. Breathe.
C. Show compassion. Savor a piece of chocolate. Watch the clouds.
D. Dance. Be a day maker. Get dressed up.
E. Take off your shoes and walk in the Earth. Eat something yummy for you and your body. Enjoy the moment.
F. Call an old friend. Buy yourself some flowers. Forgive.
G. Spend time in a garden. Be goofy. Giggle.
H. Help someone else. Let your humor out. Be happy.
I. Enjoy some ice cream. Play an instrument.
J. Do something that gives you joy. Tell a joke. Journal.
K. Play with some kids. Practice random acts of kindness.
L. Laugh. Sit in the sun light. Live. Make love.
M. Play uplifting music. Move. Meditate.
N. Spend time in nature. Say no. Try something new. Be nice.
O. Get outside. Get organized. Be original.
P. Play. Buy a plant (or plant one). Play with a pet. Accentuate the positive.
Q. Enjoy some quiet time. Quench a thirst. Read inspiring quotes.
R. Sit on a rock. Walk in the rain. Enjoy a rainbow.
S. Sing. Solitude. Watch the stars. Be spontaneous. Simplify. Smile.
T. Spend time surrounded by trees.
U. Contemplate the universe.
V. Enjoy a favorite verse of poetry. Go on a vacation.
W. Go for a walk. Spend time in or near water. Write a letter. Watch a sunset.
X. Get some exercise. Do something exciting.
Y. Appreciate yourself. Spend some time with youth. Yell. Yodel. Say yes.
Z. Go to the zoo. Do something with zeal. Be zany. Catch some zzzzzzzs.
ABOUT Wendy Watkins, PCC
Wendy Watkins is an author, speaker and strategist who shares a passionate message: that people can live a life they love with success, fulfillment and joy. Through keynotes, workshops, webinars and individual relationships with her clients, Wendy helps people amplify their optimism to achieve increased success and fulfillment.
Whether you work with Wendy one-on-one or are in the audience of one of her dynamic keynotes, you will surely be inspired to step into living the life you were meant to live. One of Wendy’s biggest passions is sharing inspiration through the written word. She’s written for American Salon Magazine as a contributing writer on their blog, publishes a monthly newsletter, creates custom training content for business teams, and has published a book, The Joy Factor Recipe Book – A Common Sense Approach to a Delicious Life.
Wendy has shared the Joy Factor message with audiences fromNew Orleans toMiami Beach.
Past speaking engagements include an interactive session at the International Coaching
Federation and sharing the spotlight with Vidal Sassoon at the annual Salon & Spa Industry Conference, Serious Business. She loves to travel and would love to visit your city and share her message with your group.
For speaking inquires, email
To schedule your complimentary strategy consultation, email
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