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Can Savoring Increase Your Success?

Mindfulness is a practice my friends. Here are a few ways to use my Mind Body & Business approach to support you in creating a profitable business and delicious life.

Mindset – Be where you are. This is when you can truly enjoy the moment. When you’re stuck in the past or future, you have lost the beauty of the moment. You do not have to monitor every thought, which would make you crazy. Begin to notice if you feel overwhelmed; that is a sign that you could be slipping out of the moment. When you come back to now, and do the best you can in that moment, overwhelm will often subside.

Self-Care – One clear benefit of self-care is when you take care of yourself, you feel good. When it comes to mindfulness, use the concept of savoring to take care of you. My favorite time to savor is with food and drink – imagine that! Choose one meal a day and take time to enjoy each bite of food that you eat. Go beyond taste, to relishing the smell, how your food looks on your plate, the texture that equates to the true deliciousness you are experiencing – yum!

Business  Here is a crazy thought-what if you focused on one activity at a time? When you are writing an article or proposal, your email is closed. When you are checking email, you finish that task and move on to the next one. Giving time and energy to one project at a time allows you to accomplish it with more ease and in less time. I know, all of the multitaskers, including myself, think they get more done when juggling more balls.  What actually happens, is that with more balls in the air, the chance increases that you will drop more balls. Try unitasking…you may like it.

Cycles of your body and the season!

It is the dark of winter now and it is important to honor the cycles of your body and the season. Here are a few tips, using the Mind Body & Business approach to support yourself in having a delicious life and profitable business.

Mindset – With only 38 days until Daylight Savings time begins, use the power of visualization to bring in the light to enhance your energy. You can light a candle and see yourself experiencing the energy that longer days and spring like temperatures will bring you. This type of exercise will give you the momentum to move ahead and accomplish what you would like to get done.

Self-CareMove that body. Maybe it is just me, but it is so easy to hit the snooze button on a cold morning instead of working out. That’s ok, as long as you do something to honor your body that works so hard for you. 15 minutes of stretching, dancing or walking two times a day at least 3 days a week will do wonders for your attitude and energy to help you reach those lofty goals.

Business Connection is key. Often we spend more time emailing and texting than actually having a conversation. Be bold and pick up the phone to follow up on that connection you made or to ask someone to be your client. The energy you receive from this small act will be very motivating. Remember – you will hear some no’s when you ask for what you want, but hearing a no, means you are closer to a yes!

Use your priorities to create a profitable business and delicious life.

Here are a few ways to use my Mind Body & Business approach to use your priorities to create a profitable business and delicious life.

Mindset – Spending five minutes per day visualizing yourself accomplishing what is most important in your day pre-paves the way for ease and joy as you accomplish your task. Ready , set, visualize….

Self-Care – The most important asset in your business is YOU. What will you do each day to honor yourself as a priority? Take a walk, meditate, strength training, call a friend, slow down – you choose.

When you take care of yourself first, you will be your best for others. They will be glad you made yourself a priority.

Business – Brian Tracy’s concept of “eat the frog first”, means to perform tasks early in the day that generate the most beneficial result for a profitable business and delicious life. For you that could be sales calls, follow up conversations and planning. Or maybe it is taking a walk, meditating and laughing with your kids. Whatever it is, make it a priority and reap the benefits of success!

Matter over Mind

I have noticed time and time again that when something is genuinely important, people do whatever it takes to make it happen.

We have all heard the term Mind over Matter. What I am speaking to is when it matters, when there is something important that you want to accomplish, you don’t mind doing the activities that will help you achieve this goal.

Whether you are looking to complete a half-marathon, start your own company, or attract the ideal partner, the more connected you are to meaning of your intention, the easier it will be to begin the process and reach the goal.

The “matter” is different for everyone. Last week I read in the Atlanta Journal Constitution about what 10 amazing chefs were grateful for. The same was true for almost all of them – family, food, making people and the planet happy were what they appreciated the most.

Running a restaurant is not for the faint of heart, so something bigger than money has to be present to get them out of bed each morning.

What is the “matter” for you? Why do you do what you do every day?

The mind, of course, is a piece of this success pie. Our thoughts have incredible power, that typically move us into action… or not.

Practices that include meditation, gratitude, mindfulness, kindness and laughter support a healthy mindset and allow you to stay connected to what matters.

Even though something matters deeply to you, having your mindset aligned with your hearts desires is imperative – even when it energizes and/or terrifies you.  This combination of what matters and mindset are a must have – like the skinny cow ice cream sandwich I have every night.

There are a couple of exercises I use with my clients to help them clarify their mighty dream. For now, I invite you to spend a couple of minutes thinking about the underlying reason for what gets you out of bed in the morning to accomplish your goals and dreams.

I am not talking about the alarm clock going off or the dog licking your face.

What is the reason you do what you do versus just pulling the covers over your head?

Is it because of the people you get to work with or help?

The positive impact you get to make in the world?

You want to travel?

Start a non-profit to help support something you just can’t bear the pain of anymore?

To be able to do what you want, when you want with whom you want while adding value to the world?

What gets me out of bed every day is knowing I am the spark that lights people’s fire.

Imagine what life is like when you when your fire is lit.

It will bright and filled with flourishing success!

Write your list and use it when you forget what really matters. This will get your mind back in the game and help you to cross the finish line.  Then…it is time to celebrate!

Success Triathlon Begins Today

Mindset Strategies–One of my favorite Stephen Covey’s Habits for Highly Successful People is to begin with the end in mind. Spend 3-5 minutes each day visualizing how you want your day to go – this activity will pre-pave the way for a productive and joyful day. Not only will you feel optimistic,  you will energetically line things up to happen as you way you want them to.

Body/Self-Care StrategiesConsciously use your breathe to create calming energy  – this is a wonderful exercise for success. When you breathe in for 5 seconds through your nose, filling your belly with your breathe and then release it through your mouth for 5 seconds, five times in a row, you’ll notice your body letting go of unnecessary stress and tension.  This will allow you to do the important tasks you need to achieve with increased ease and grace.

Business Strategies – Rather than having ten things on your daily to-do list and doing them all halfway and feeling unproductive if you only finished 5 of those tasks, why not have three things on your to-do and celebrate your completion of those in a mindful and thoughtful manner? You can always add a thing or two if you complete everything in a timely manner. Make sure at least one of the items on your daily list is revenue-generating and you will be sure to get your medal at the end of the race.

The best thing about this success triathlon is you will not get sweaty, you’ll be creating some wonderful habits to enhance your flexibility and you can do practice these exercises on a regular basis.

Let me know if you do this for a week and I will send you a goodie in the mail.  Good luck!

Can Words Really Inspire Success?

We can all use a little Inspiration to help create a profitable business and delicious life. I typically get my creativeness from my mentor, books and of course, words of wisdom.

These are some of my favorite quotes I read to help me cross the finish line of success.


Success is not the key to happiness. Happiness is the key to success. If you love what you are doing, you will be successful. Albert Schweitzer

Tip- Take a couple of minutes each day to appreciate something about your business/job. I appreciate the ability to coach people to have more success and fulfillment every day. Matt appreciates being able to work from home. My sister appreciates the flexibility her job offers. What about you? What do you appreciate? Let the energy from that feeling propel you forward today.


Self-Care is not selfish. You cannot serve from an empty vessel.  Eleanor Brownn

Tip – Me time is essential when you are up to big things in the world. To be your best for yourself and others you must fill your vessel. I love a 15 minute walk in my neighborhood or a manicure and pedicure. Dee loves to ride her bike. Rick loves to go to the gym. What do you do to fill your vessel? Taking time for you for just 15 minutes a day will make a huge difference in your energy and focus. Don’t believe me? Try it!


You don’t have to be a genius or a visionary or even a college graduate to be successful. You just need a framework and a dream. Michael Dell

Tip – Tap into what you long for in your life and business; the Big Why of why you do what you do. Let yourself experience the feeling of accomplishing this dream. Then put a plan together and work that plan. It really is that simple. I am not saying each task is going to be easy.  Plan your work and work your plan, while staying connected to your dream. This is a key to success.
I would love to know your favorite quotes and tips that support you in creating a profitable business and delicious life. Post them on my Facebook page – share the wealth!

Celebrating is not just for birthdays anymore!

When we put our attention on what’s going well in our lives, we receive more of what we are focusing on.

 Below are ways to use my Mind Body & Business approach to create your luscious life and sustainable success. Enjoy!


We often wait to celebrate reaching a goal until we actually achieve it. What if you took time to celebrate on the way to your goal with a good old atta’ girl?

You see, at the end of the day, most people lament on what they did not accomplish and all that they need to get done.

The thing is, your to-do list will never be done. Once you can accept that hard truth, you can move into celebrating the little things you do each do to move you towards completing the to-do list.

Try this – Take time each day to reflect on what went well in your day. Want to expand that loving feeling? Ask others what went well in their day.


Self-Care – How do you celebrate without one of my favorite things – cake!

I know you can have your cake and eat it too.  Grandma Vivian’s words of wisdom were “everything in moderation.”

Enjoy a little cake every now and again.

When you choose to have cake (or whatever your favorite treat is), relish it!  There is nothing worse than enjoying something delicious and worrying about the impact it has on your health or waistline.

Try this – Eat your cake and savor it. Allow yourself to enjoy a sensory experiencenotice the beauty of the cake, the aroma, the texture and the taste.  


A key strategy to increase sales in your business is to nurture your relationships. My client Joanne is great at that. She takes time each week to reach out to 3 people in her pipeline and congratulate them on something good that’s happening in their life and/or business.

 It could be to acknowledge their birthday, a promotion or reaching a milestone in their life or business.

This simple action is genuine and caring.  It allows her to stay connected with people she would like as a client, yet they are not quite ready to engage with her.

This gesture also raises her Joy Factor, increasing her energy that will assist in attracting more ideal clients.

Who are the three people you will contact today?

If this Mind Body & Business approach is appealing to your style of creating a luscious life and building a sustainable business, I would love to be your coach. I offer complimentary conversations to those that are ready to create something more than just a job to go to every day. You did not start your own business to not have a life. Click here to schedule your Flourishing Success Strategy Session today.

The Power of a Good Teacher

My Favorite Quotes from Dr. Wayne Dyer

It is only fitting that today I take time to share some of the wisdom I have received from Dyer.

I would love to hear what your favorite experiences are. You can leave them on my blog.


“When the choice is to be right or to be kind, always make the choice that brings peace.”

“If you believe it will work out, you’ll see opportunities. If you believe it won’t you will see obstacles.”

 “Change the way you look at things and the things you look at change.”



“Go for it now. The future is promised to no one.”

 “You leave old habits behind by starting out with the thought, ‘I release the need for this in my life.’”

“Procrastination is one of the most common and deadliest of diseases and its toll on success and happiness is heavy.”


 “When I chased after money, I never had enough. When I got my life on purpose and focused on giving of myself and everything that arrived into my life, then I was prosperous.”

 “There is no scarcity of opportunity to make a living at what you love. There’s only scarcity of resolve to make it happen.”

 “You may have convinced yourself that giving is impossible because you have too little for yourself. If you are not generous when it is difficult, you will not be generous when it is easy. Generosity is a function of the heart, not the wallet.”

 “It’s never crowded along the extra mile.”

May you rest in peace Dr. Wayne Dyer.

Mind Body & Business with Wendy

What if you knew that taking time away from the day to day tasks of life actually help you tap into increased creativity and innovation?

Here are tips to support you in what I call the Big 3—Mindset, Self-care, and Business strategy—to create a luscious life and sustainable business.

Mindset – If you cannot take a vacation right now, begin planning one and watch your energy expand. Studies show that the act of planning and dreaming about your next trip is as wonderful as actually taking the trip.

Go and get that Fodor’s book and start dreaming. Let that excitement move you into inspired actions for next steps of eventually embarking on that wonderful journey.


Self-Care — Vacation is the ultimate self-care. When you vacate your day-to-day calendar and allow yourself to choose what you want to do when you want to do it, vs. having to be someplace at 9 AM, 11:30 AM, 2 PM and 7 PM, you will let begin to relax and de-stress. Doesn’t that sound delicious?

Even if you cannot get out of town for a few days, enjoy a staycation.

Unplug one day, a weekend, or better yet, or a whole week (OMG!) from your phone, computer and calendar. Then you can ask yourself  – “What do I want to do now”? Then act accordingly. 

Business – For entrepreneurs, taking  a vacation can be as terrifying  as a fish feels out of water.

The ability for you to truly enjoy an extended amount of time off greatly increases when you have systems within your company.

When you know what needs to be done to operate smoothly while you are gone, you can look ahead at your calendar and put everything in order, then it is easier to head out of town and still keep the ship afloat.

Take a look at your company. Do you have processes in place that allow you to disappear for a few days? Will your emails be diverted to your assistant? Will invoices still go out if you are traveling at the beginning of the month? 

If you are have been in business for a while, can you launch a new program or product while you are on vacation? Can you show a house to a prospective client?

This is the freedom that will allow you to build a luscious and sustainable business.

I know it is possible. If you are a regular reader, you know I have taken 2 week long vacations this summer and am still going to reach my income goals!

Final words—take a vacation or plan one so that you are living the kind of life that you dreamed about as an entrepreneur. You deserve it.

If you want to learn how to build a luscious and sustainable company so you can take more time off, learn how to use my Mind Body & Business approach at one of these upcoming events in August.

Stop the Insanity—Do Something Different with Wendy’s Mind Body + Business Approach

Mindset Strategy

Law of Attraction or the Loss of Attraction

This powerful principle is centered on the idea that what you put your attention on expands, whether that is positive or negative.

When you wake up and think you are going to have a good day, that begins the day obeying the law. From there you can move forward with that strong desire and expectation that things will line up for you just as you want them to. Partner that with inspired action and bam—synchronicities feel magical.

On the flip side, you can experience the Loss of Attraction by putting your attention on what you do not want and in turn you receive that. Imagine waking up and thinking today is going to be a really hard day, put your attention there and watch what happens.

You get to choose your thoughts and what you put your attention on. You choose how to respond to what life may offer us. Your mindset is what fuels your actions so putting attention there and being conscious about your thinking and beliefs will move you towards the success you desire.

Choose wisely grasshopper.

Do Something Different with your morning routine. When you are enjoying your morning beverage of choice, choose a thought that will inspire you to create the kind of day that fulfills your heart’s desire.


Self-Care Strategy

It’s not just about diet and exercise anymore. Yes, this is important for self-care, because if you don’t take care of your body, where are you going to live?

Self-compassion as a form of self-care today. How about being as nice to yourself as you are to the people you love the most in your life? That means doing things for yourself that fill your fountain and allow you to be the best you can for your clients, friends and family.

Here are 10 things you can do to be nice to yourself.

  1. Go for a photo walk 2. Get up a few minutes earlier and read something inspirational in bed (do this on a Tuesday – yummy) 3. Walk barefoot in overgrown grass 4. Guided meditation 5. Eat only when you are hungry, not because the clock says to 6. Stretch 7. Listen to live music 8. Call your best friend 9. Chocolate 10. Laugh more

Do Something Different – Choose one of these items to do each day. Notice how you receive more energy to achieve your goals and dreams.

Business Strategy

Pick up the phone – not just to call your mother, which is always a good thing.

In this world of technological convenience, entrepreneurs often forget the power of the telephone.

-Learn one way to get a new client today

It is a wonderful tool to build relationship. Yep, sitting at your desk, you dial the number and the person answers and you have a delightful conversation without dealing with a lick of traffic.

One call a day helps build very supportive relations.

If you are looking for more clients, stop hiding out behind your email and texts and thinking  of reasons why you’re ideal not returning your email. Instead of feeling discouraged, pick up the phone and ask for what you want.

Disclaimer – you may actually receive it.

One of my clients calls this dialing for dollars. She carves out 30 minutes each morning to follow up with prospective customers. She still has a land line and even painted her phone gold to represent the richness that lives on the other end of the phone.

Do Something Different – When you are getting ready to draft an email, pick up the phone instead. Try that once a day for the next week and see the results it brings you.

As Mark Twain said, if you always do what you always done, you will always get what you always got.

If you want out of the ordinary results, shake up your Mind Body & Business routine and enjoy the new outcomes.