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Clarity and Getting in the Flow- A Recipe for Success

Last week, I shared how powerful it is to have a clear vision of your future reality.

When I was in Bryson City, NC – a place I go to fill my Self-Care fountain – I shot this video that spoke to me about clarity.

Take 30 seconds. Enjoy this visual guide to pondering clarity as you create more success in your business.

When you are in the flow, possibilities become reality.

As Abraham-Hicks says, when you just let go of the oars (control) and go with the flow (the direction to of your vision), you will head straight toward your desires.

There are other parts to that equation that include. . .

  • Inspired action – Have you ever said, “I want more passion in my life?” Well, becoming passionate is as easy as shifting the way you go about your daily actions. Move toward your goals from a place of enthusiasm, rather than just working from another to-do list.
  • Listening to your intuition – When you receive that internal nudge to pick up the phone and call an old friend, to duck into to that cute coffee shop, or invite a friend to your favorite networking event, pay attention. Honor your inner knowing.
  • Paying attention to your goals – It’s one thing to create goals. It’s another thing to look at them on a regular basis. Whatever you put attention on expands. (Where is your focus today?)
  • Asking for help – Some see this as a sign of weakness. The strength comes from the deep knowing that you have a vision and there are other people out there that can assist you in areas that are not your expertise. Can you think of any trouble spots that may clear up for you by asking for help?
  • Gratitude – When you put attention on what you are grateful for, you will receive more of that. Whether that is perfect customers, an increase in income, or the perfect new team member, be thankful for what you have. Create possibilities from there.

All of these ingredients are a portion of your Recipe for Success – what you need to have present in your life so you experience the deliciousness of “flow and easy.”

If you already know the ingredients, are you using them?

If you do not know the ingredients, where will you find them? (Probably not on Aisle 5 at Kroger.)

Click here to schedule your complimentary 45-minute Recipe for Success strategy session with me.

You’ll gain clarity on what is needed for you to accomplish what you have been telling yourself you are going to do for months (maybe even years) now. All you need is the recipe.

Whatever you do, do something. And make sure it is delicious for you.

Is Kryptonite getting in the way of your clarity (and success)?

imagesCABL12DRIf clarity is power, then how powerful are you feeling when it comes to creating success and fulfillment?

You can get an idea of your strength by seeing how easily you can answer these questions:

  • What are the needs you are trying to fulfill for your perfect customer? (And do you know who your perfect customer is?)
  • How many perfect customers do you need to work with to reach your 90-day goals? (Do you know what your 90-day goals are?)
  • Are the services you’re providing in alignment with the big picture vision of your business? (Are you clear on what that big picture vision is?)
  • Does the way you market your services excite you and inspire others to purchase your services? (You have been marketing your services, right?)
  • Are my days filled with “busy work” or productive work? (Are you clear on what kinds of work are productive, and which are just time-fillers?)

Do your answers to those questions leave you feeling powerful, like a superhero?

Or do you suddenly feel like Superman after being around Kryptonite? If so, here are three things you can do today to enhance your clarity – so you will be empowered to move into inspired action and accomplish outstanding results.

  1. If you have a manifesto, mission statement, personal vision, or statement of intention, spend some time with it. Check in to make sure you have not strayed away from what is most important to you. Use your powerful words to move you forward with confidence and clarity. If you do not have a statement, take the time to create one.
  2. Imagine yourself 90 days from now, sometime in January. It’s the beginning of 2014. What do you want to be celebrating that you have accomplished over these last three months? Will you have four new clients? A 10% increase in your bottom-line? A new employee that fits into your culture beautifully? Visualize what you want. Write it down in a 90-day plan. When you focus your attention there, amazing things begin to happen. If you don’t believe me, try it and see.
  3. Over the next 7 days, take some time at the end of each day to reflect on how you used your time. We are all busy and many of my clients have discovered they are busy with things that are not in alignment with their vision or plan. The only way you will know if this is true for you is to take a peek and see. (And be honest with yourself about what you find.)

Go ahead – be Superwoman.

Create a successful business using clarity as your most powerful tool.

If you get stuck here and would like some support, I am happy to serve.

Click here to schedule a 45 minute Kryptonite-busting strategy session with me.

I’ll use my own super powers to support you in gaining clarity on your next steps for success and how to actually achieve that success – so you love your business and make more money.

Seven Habits of Effective People

Wendy WatkinsThis week I pulled another card from Stephen Coveys’ Seven Habits of Effective People Card Deck.

It is beautifully trimmed in gold and points you to one of the principles from Habit 2 – Begin with the End in Mind. As a visionary, seeing what I want to accomplish on a regular basis is easy.  Is it easy for you?

The next part is the meat of the card – Identify your roles and goals.

Do this activity today to harness the power of a plan.

  1. Identify the specific roles you play in the different areas of your life.
  2. Think about the long term goals you want to accomplish in each of those roles.
  3. Write them down and break them into bite size action pieces.

Roles and goals give structure and direction to your personal mission.

Bite sized actions that are accomplished each week, allow you to use these roles and goals to bring you the gold, the reward that you desire.

Reaching your goals can be that simple. Feeling stuck in uncovering your roles and goals? Are you challenged in accomplishing them? Click here to schedule a free phone session with Wendy that will support you in creating a plan to increase your success and make more money.

A Bicycle Ride to Success

Wendy WatkinsOn a recent 22 mile bicycle ride with Matt, I pondered how riding a bicycle is like building a business. Here is an inside view of my thoughts on this topic. Notice how they may relate to your journey.

  • While grinding up a hill in the wrong gear, I struggle. When I change gears, all of a sudden, things are easier.
  • As hard as it is to make it up that hill, it’s so fun to enjoy the downhill momentum.
  • Just before I reach the top of the hill, I often think I cannot make it.
  • When I shift my thoughts, to knowing I can and ease into a few more peddle strokes, I’m there before I know it and satisfied with my efforts.
  • Taking a break to enjoy the view is very refreshing to the body and spirit.
  • Music enhances the entire experience.

As you build your business, you’ll have your ups and downs.  You will enjoy the journey when you find the right gears (people, systems and tools) to help you up the hill and acknowledge yourself for your accomplishments along the way.  Use the power of your mind to keep you moving forward and turn the volume up on all things good.

Take time to sharpen the saw….

plan for joy

If you have ever worked with me, you know how much I love inspirational card decks.

Today, I am going to pull a card from one of my many decks and share it with you.

This message comes from the late Stephen Covey and his book and card deck, The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People.

Habit 7  – Take time to sharpen the saw

Sharpening the saw means exercising all four dimensions of your nature –the physical, the social emotional, the mental and the spiritual – regularly and consistently in wise and balanced ways.

What will you do this week to sharpen your saw, so you can be the best for yourself, your clients and your family? Take a morning walk with your partner, call an old friend, read a book off of your bedside table, turn off the news or spend some quiet time a few minutes each day.

Share what you will do to stay sharp and focused and of course, highly effective.

And, if you have not worked with me and are ready to sharpen your saw, schedule a complimentary Flourishing Business Strategy Session today.

Where is your Happy Place?

188Remember the last time you had a really good day? Hopefully it was just yesterday.  For some it may have been last week. Think about that time and ponder what made it a ‘good day.’ Were you more productive, so you blew through your to-do list? That’s a good feeling.  Did you experience the feeling of flow that Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi talks about in his book, Flow: The Psychology of Optimal Experience.  Csikszentmihalyi states that during flow, people typically experience deep enjoyment, creativity, and a total involvement with life. It is from this place that we achieve our goals and unique definition of success with increased ease.

Knowing where to find your happy place, where you can tap into flow, is one of the keys that will open your door to accomplishment.

Here are three areas that will help you to flow.

    1. Clarity on your big why-when you know why you  want to be a successful hairdresser, salon owner, massage therapist or professional coach of any kind, knowing why you want to provide this type of service will have you jump out of bed effortlessly each morning, excited to move into your day. Clarity is power!
    2. Clarity on your goals-if you were driving to NYC from Atlanta and did not have a map or GPS, you would reach the Big Apple, eventually. With directions and a clear idea of exactly where you are heading  you’d reach your destination quicker and with less stress. Having clarity on your quarterly goals will guide you each and every step of the way to success.
    3. Contributing to others success – Jennifer Aaker shares in this three minute video from Stanford Business, what makes us happy. Take a peek here and learn how creating meaningfulness during your day. This small action will increase your peacefulness and move you into flow.

    When you find the key to your happy place, open that door on a regular basis; you’ll experience flow, success and fulfillment and your business will grow with ease.  By gaining clarity on  why you do what you do, what your measures for success are and how you can use your strengths to help others succeed, things will come together with ease. Take some time today to ponder these areas of your business and life. Remember, there are no wrong answers here. Tap into your heart, connect that with your thoughts and you are well on your way my friends.   Share with us what helps you tap into your flow.

A Plan For Joy

Joy Tree with guest-350

Memorial Day weekend hosts one of my favorite events, the Decatur Arts Festival. I enjoy this festival for a variety of reasons – it is less than one mile from my house, and it brings together top artists, musicians, storytellers and delicious food and drink in one place. I am not an artist, but am a creative being and I wanted to participate; thus the idea for The Joy Tree was born.

I set up my chairs at a gorgeous dogwood tree right outside the old courthouse. I had hundreds of different colored tags for people to hang on the tree with their expression of what brings them joy, or what makes them happy. With markers galore and Bites of Joy (ideas on how to spread joy) to share with each person that came to the tree, I was ready to go. I witnessed so many people tickled with the notion that they could share what made them happy with the world, as well as read what others wrote.

There were the expected responses; family, friends, travel and the not so typical-order, chicken and a few descriptions in languages I could not read. What surprised me most was when my friends and colleagues visited the tree, they were delighted with the concept, but many admitted that were really not sure what the Joy Tree was.

Here is what I learned from this amazing experience:

1. A clear vision for a project, without a plan, is not easily executed.

2. To have extraordinary results, clear communication of the vision to others is of utmost importance.

3. Embracing ultimate flexibility allows space for the most enjoyment of the project.

In a perfect world, we could create what we want from the vision in our mind; just see the picture and go. In a realistic world, it’s best to have a plan. That point is confirmed by my last poll on Linked In. 27% of people responded that what hinders their joyful success is a lack of plan. If you are in that group of people and are craving better results, than why not create a plan to focus your attention and energy on?

Whether you are embarking on a creative project, launching a new venture to your clients or assigning a new task to your team, take the time to plan your work, and then of course, work your plan to achieve the results that you desire. Once you accomplish that, then next year you can share your joyful success at The Joy Tree.

Shift Your Attention In 3 Steps To Achieve Joyful Success

3stepstosuccess(1)This time of year, I hear owls in my backyard almost every night. When I walk outside at dusk to look for them, it is often challenging to see them. I scan the trees, searching for the outline of their majestic form. There are many birds out at this time; the sun is going down and my desire to witness the gorgeous spectacle is overwhelming. When I reflect on the few times that I have seen these barnyard owls, it was only because I took the time to slow down and focus on them.

It is not just spotting owls that require focus, 38 % of people who answered my poll on LinkedIn stated that their obstacle to achieving joyful success was lack of focus. Whether that lack of focus arises from an unclear or non-existent plan of action, an over-booked calendar or blurred priorities, there are three things that you can do to shift your attention to achieve joyful success.

  1. The first step to embracing focus as part of your daily routine is to align with why putting emphasis on a certain goal or activity is important. Napoleon Hill, author of Think and Grow Rich, speaks to this as your Big Why. When you are clear on the impact a specific activity will provide to your joyful success, you are more likely to put your time and attention there.
  2. The second step is to decide that you are going to focus each and every day on activities that are going to move you closer to your goals and achieving your Big Why. When you use focus as a verb instead of a noun, you will move forward with inspired action.
  3. The third step is to draft a plan of action that contains small doable steps that you can accomplish every day. Each week create your to-do list. Write down all of the things that you intend to do to move you towards your intention of success. Each night, look at your list and choose three to five items that will propel you forward and boost your accomplishment. In the morning, review your list and as Brian Tracy says, Eat the Frog first. Complete the most important items on your list before noon each day.

Performing these three activities regularly will provide you with a sense of accomplishment that will feed your desire to stay dedicated and persistent to your quest for joyful success. When you look for success each day, your chances increase tremendously in finding it. Now, where are my binoculars and those owls?

As you practice these three steps, we would love to hear about your experiences. Share your comments with us today.

Quotes That Raise Your Joy Factor

What is it about a good quote that can create a positive shift in your day? Time and time again, people cite quotes in their articles, emails, on Facebook and in Twitter posts. The mixture of these words impacts our emotions, heart and mind. They inspire, motivate and uplift our spirit. Some make us ponder the deeper meaning of the words; some move us closer toward ourgoals and dreams while others just make us smile and laugh.

I am moved by meaningful quotes that are aligned with my mission, passions and purpose. Quotes that take me into that delightful combination of heart and head – that fulfill my spirit and give me a zest for life.

“The biggest adventure you can take is to live the life of your dreams.”

This quote from Oprah Winfrey reminds me that living my ideal life is a journey, one that requires courage, patience, faith and sometimes a seat belt to wear when things get bumpy.

As a Joy Strategist, one of the foundations I support for my clients is to help weave in structures that assist in increasing their Joy Factor. Increased joy and optimism helps them achieve more of what they yearn for.

There is an increased number of studies that prove increased positivity increases productivity, reduces sick days and presenteeism. One of which, is psychologist Martin Seligman, who cited his research in “Authentic Happiness” of positive emotions among 272 employees during a study of their job performance for 18 months. He concluded that happier people got better performance evaluations and high pay. What if reading a few words a day could help you feel better and potentially create inspired actions so you are living a more fulfilling and successful
life? Would you be willing to spend a few minutes a day to read them?

When I ask my clients to share the quotes that encourage them, I fall in the love with the words they share; whether I have read them once or twenty times.

Here are a few that I believe will inspire you.

“Regret for the things we did can be tempered by time; it is regret for the things we did not do that is inconsolable.”  ~~ Sydney J. Harris

Not all those that wonder are lost.” ~~ J.R.R Tolkien
“Let me win, but if I cannot win, let me be brave in the attempt.” ~~Special Olympics

“Joy is increased by spreading it to others.” ~~  Robert Murray McCheyne

What quotes raise your Joy Factor? Leave your favorite one as a comment below to share with us as you partake in the positive ripple effect of wonderful words.

Clarity is Power

gran-annMy teachers, Chris and Janet Attwood, creators of The Passion Test, state that clarity is power. Once you are clear on what you desire, then putting your attention on your intentions will move you forward towards your goals.

My Grandma Ann (she is the silver-haired beauty in the photo) was a phenomenal cook. What made Grandma amazing was her true love for cooking, using quality ingredients and always knowing what she was preparing before she started her process. I can still remember sitting in her kitchen and watching her prepare those amazing linzer tarts, ruglelach and rice pudding. She had prepared these things so many times that she made the preparation look effortless, and the results were always delicious.

Whether your definition of success includes the amount of money you make, recognition you receive, a flexible schedule or increased well-being,having clarity around what success is, is imperative. From there, the focus becomes:How do you achieve your definition with more ease and less struggle?

Today, I am going to share with you a few tips from Jack Canfield’s book, The Success Principles – How to Get from Where You are to Where You Want to Be.  I had the opportunity to meet Jack in 2005. Since then I have tapped into the knowledge in the sixty-four principles he recommends we embrace in order to create success. I have been teaching these principles for many years, and am happy to give you a taste of them and the information Jack shares, so you can achieve your goals.

1.       Decide what you want

What is the most important word in this sentence? It is you. This first tip is deciding whatyou want to create in your life, not what anyone else wants for you. Are you a doctor, (or any other profession) because your parents wanted you to become one? Do you have a “real job”, rather than pursuing something more creative and fulfilling? It is time to gain clarity on your true desires.  If you are ready to reclaim your dreams and start moving in a direction that will raise your Joy Factor, begin honoring your preferences on the smallest levels in every situation, no matter how large or small.  Stop settling for less than what you want. Instead of going through life in “whatever” mode, ask yourself, if I did know what I wanted, what would it be? If I did care, what would I prefer? If it did matter, what would I rather do?

2.       Believe in yourself

Henry Ford said, whether you think you can or you think you can’t, you are right. This tip for success is all about your attitude. Learning to embrace an “I Can” attitude is powerful. Successful athlete, business people, musicians and grandmas use the power of visualization to support them in learning to build confidence. Take three to five minutes every day and see yourself achieving your definition of success. Imagine yourself closing the deal, speaking on stage, depositing the $10,000 check into your savings account; allow yourself to feel the emotions that come with that vision. Only stay there a couple of minutes, any longer and your brain will take you to figuring out the “hows” and that will squelch your ability to believe in yourself. Start with the vision and embrace the “I Can” attitude. Other people are achieving their dreams, so can you.

3.       Chunk it down 

Clarity is power and a plan is even more potent. What stops many from achieving success are the overwhelming feelings that big gulp goals bring on. Breaking tasks down into doable actions allow you to enjoy the journey as you move forward, every day, towards your goal. I have a client who has a mindmap for each area of her business. On Monday mornings, she sits with her mindmaps, that are very colorful and inviting to look at, and plans out her tasks for the week. This has allowed her to enjoy an increased sense of accomplishment, rather than consistent overwhelm. Find a way to achieve doable goals where you can celebrate small successes on your way to the finish line.

These three tips are a strong foundation so you can move forward to achieve the accomplishments you have been dreaming about. Tap into Grandma Ann’s energy, her enthusiasm and passion for what she was cooking, and use that along with these tips to raise your Joy Factor and live a life you love.