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3 Tips for a Delicious December

ma2With family that lives just a few hours away in SC, we spent a bit of time in the car on Thanksgiving weekend.

I’m continually surprised how we can be moving along nicely, humming along at 70 ish mph and then, nothing but brake lights. A bit of stop and go, then back to in the flow.

How I received the knack to look at everyday situations and turn them into learning opportunities is beside me, but hey, think about this…

Isn’t it awesome when we’re “moving along”—life feels wide open and you’re in the fast lane?  Energy, opportunities and seemingly good fortune are at every turn.

Inevitably, those red brake lights start to flash and you have to slow down.

When I’m in the flow and have plenty of time to get to my destination, those red lights and sunshine slowdown do not affect me. When I am feeling rushed, I can stress out.

As the month of December ramps up, my wish for you is that you cruise through the month at the perfect speed – enjoying this festive time of year to reflect, celebrate and share your true gifts.

Here are three simple, yet fun and creative ways to to enjoy the green lights of life.

  1. Spend a bit of time reflecting on what made this year a success for you. At my recent Success Circle, everyone pondered the important areas of their life and what went well for them this past year.  For instance, did you reach your financial goal? Health goal? It’s from here that you can move onto the next step…
  2. Celebrate! So often successful people spend more time pondering their never ending to-do list, and not celebrating their accomplishments. What will you do to acknowledge yourself this year? Take an afternoon off and visit an art museum or treat yourself to a massage?
  3. When you take time to share your gifts – your strengths, passions and wisdom, two amazing things happen. First, your Joy Factor increases—you are feeling good when you can reveal what you are naturally good at. Unwrap your own  presents, and  sharing your sense of humor, patience or  listening skills, just to name a few,  will keep you moving at optimal speed, because you spirit is being fed.

Weave these 3 tips into your month and notice what happens…you may even feel a bit like letting someone merge into traffic… always a good place to be!