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Seven Habits of Effective People

Wendy WatkinsThis week I pulled another card from Stephen Coveys’ Seven Habits of Effective People Card Deck.

It is beautifully trimmed in gold and points you to one of the principles from Habit 2 – Begin with the End in Mind. As a visionary, seeing what I want to accomplish on a regular basis is easy.  Is it easy for you?

The next part is the meat of the card – Identify your roles and goals.

Do this activity today to harness the power of a plan.

  1. Identify the specific roles you play in the different areas of your life.
  2. Think about the long term goals you want to accomplish in each of those roles.
  3. Write them down and break them into bite size action pieces.

Roles and goals give structure and direction to your personal mission.

Bite sized actions that are accomplished each week, allow you to use these roles and goals to bring you the gold, the reward that you desire.

Reaching your goals can be that simple. Feeling stuck in uncovering your roles and goals? Are you challenged in accomplishing them? Click here to schedule a free phone session with Wendy that will support you in creating a plan to increase your success and make more money.