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Something to Make you sSay ooohhhh and aaahhhh…

independance dayJuly Fourth—it’s not just about fireworks anymore!

Being that tomorrow’s the day we celebrate independence from England, why not make it the day you celebrate your independence from things that sap the joy right out of your days?

You know those niggly little distractions that are sources of frustration and stress for you. Those things that you continue to allow to take attention from the things that bring you the pleasure.

Yes, why not revel in the freedom from the things you are tolerating in your life – that unpaid bill, the broken lamp in the living room, or list of phone calls you have been meaning to return.

The benefits you receive from a simple act of cleaning out the kitchen junk drawer far outweigh the stress you receive every time you open that drawer to look for the checkbook – or maybe that’s just me!

In a world where so many are looking to be happier, more productive and more connected to what is important to them, it’s time to create the space to allow those things to manifest for you.

One way to feel lighter is to reduce the number of things you are lugging around that sap your energy.

First things first – name what you are tolerating!

When my mentor was sharing her frustration with having to move her power cord for her computer from room to room, I totally felt the stress that simple act could induce.

Having freedom from the little things that cause unnecessary stress can be as easy as ordering a new power cord, or two.

What do you want to stop tolerating in your life so you can have more time, energy and joy to not only accomplish the things you want to, but to also feel good while you are accomplishing them?

Here are 3 simple steps to release tolerations:

  1. Make a list of what you are tolerating, the things you have wanted to deal with, but keep putting off. Your list may include people, places, things, situations and feelings.
  2. Choose 1 thing you’ll remove off of your list in the next three days.
  3. Here’s the magic….actually perform the action to move this item from something you are tolerating, to something you are celebrating.

Imagine the benefits for reducing the amount of times you tell yourself, “I need to fix those shoes, call my aunt, clean my car or finish knitting that hat.”

You can then celebrate your independence from the negative effects of telling yourself that you are going to do something and not do it. Then there is space and freedom to fill your days with things that let you go ooohhhh and aaaahhhhhh… just like you will when you watch the fireworks show tomorrow.

I love helping people raise their Joy Factor and flourish. What do you love to do that for one reason or another you are not? If you are feeling stuck and don’t know how to flourish, then click here so we can have a conversation that will help you to flourish. Yes, a 45 minute conversation that is all about you and creating your independence from what is not working, so you can live a life you love!