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Why What You Have for Dinner has Everything to Do with Building Your Business

Building a luscious, sustainable business is important for the majority of my readers, so I will now offer juicy information that speaks to the three non-negotiable areas that all entrepreneurs need to create a company they love. One that makes oodles of money and feeds you in a variety of ways.
You know the type of business where you are excited about waking up each day, because you know it will be filled with most things delicious. One where you have time to do the things that are most important to you both personally and professionally.


The Mind Body Business approach to creating delicious sustainable success.

MindSet Strategy –

Rumor has it that money is the root of all evil. I disagree; I think the way we think about money is the root of all evil.

New perspective to play with –

Perfection is the root of all evil.

This comes from me, a recovering Virgo that knows waiting for everything to be perfect before we share it means you may never get to share your brilliance. And then your amazing idea gets lost and you wallow in regret, which is certainly not a motivating trait.

Some of you may be thinking, “easier said than done Wendy”.

This is a new muscle that you can learn to flex.

Try this – the next time you need to make a decision, make it within thirty seconds. Start small here – when your friend or partner asks where you want to go for dinner, pick a restaurant quickly instead of trying to come up with the “perfect” restaurant. Really, it’s just a Monday night dinner.

Next – when you arrive at the restaurant, look at the menu and choose your item in 1 minute – it does not have to be perfect, just delicious.

The more you practice this, the easier it becomes to make harder decisions without getting stuck in the analysis paralyses of perfection.


Self-Care Strategy Tip 

“If you do not take care of your body, where are you going to live?”

Everyone is so busy these days. I know that I am. But I also know that if the POTUS can find time to exercise, so can you.

Studies show that 30 minutes of movement a day will reduce stress and assist with weight loss. The coolest thing, you don’t have to do the 30 minutes all at once.

Can you handle a 10 minute stroll around the block, 10 minutes of stretching and 10 minutes of push-ups, ab work and squats? I know you can, because I can.

So, if you want less stress and more success, and are struggling finding time to take care of your gorgeous body, try this new approach to exercise.

Business Strategy

Do More With What You Have!

If you live here in Hotlanta, you have seen me at a variety of networking events. I know it’s important to network, to meet more people and to get out of the office on a regular basis.

But remember, there is only one letter difference between networking and not working.

If you do not have the time for effective follow up after an event, spend an hour or two each week tapping into the plethora of people that are already in your database.

Don’t you love getting a phone call from a colleague that you have not heard from in a while? It is exciting to catch up and figure out ways to support each other’s success.

Be intentional when you connect. Listen. Share the support you need and ask how you can support them.

It saves gas, energy, and with the right intention, this small shift will be very fruitful for your cash flow.


The Mind Body Business Approach honors every facet of your life as you achieve your unique definition of delicious success. I offer coaching and presentations for individuals and groups. Want to learn more? Let’s have a conversation – click here to access my calendar.