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Where is your Happy Place?

188Remember the last time you had a really good day? Hopefully it was just yesterday.  For some it may have been last week. Think about that time and ponder what made it a ‘good day.’ Were you more productive, so you blew through your to-do list? That’s a good feeling.  Did you experience the feeling of flow that Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi talks about in his book, Flow: The Psychology of Optimal Experience.  Csikszentmihalyi states that during flow, people typically experience deep enjoyment, creativity, and a total involvement with life. It is from this place that we achieve our goals and unique definition of success with increased ease.

Knowing where to find your happy place, where you can tap into flow, is one of the keys that will open your door to accomplishment.

Here are three areas that will help you to flow.

    1. Clarity on your big why-when you know why you  want to be a successful hairdresser, salon owner, massage therapist or professional coach of any kind, knowing why you want to provide this type of service will have you jump out of bed effortlessly each morning, excited to move into your day. Clarity is power!
    2. Clarity on your goals-if you were driving to NYC from Atlanta and did not have a map or GPS, you would reach the Big Apple, eventually. With directions and a clear idea of exactly where you are heading  you’d reach your destination quicker and with less stress. Having clarity on your quarterly goals will guide you each and every step of the way to success.
    3. Contributing to others success – Jennifer Aaker shares in this three minute video from Stanford Business, what makes us happy. Take a peek here and learn how creating meaningfulness during your day. This small action will increase your peacefulness and move you into flow.

    When you find the key to your happy place, open that door on a regular basis; you’ll experience flow, success and fulfillment and your business will grow with ease.  By gaining clarity on  why you do what you do, what your measures for success are and how you can use your strengths to help others succeed, things will come together with ease. Take some time today to ponder these areas of your business and life. Remember, there are no wrong answers here. Tap into your heart, connect that with your thoughts and you are well on your way my friends.   Share with us what helps you tap into your flow.